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Reclaiming Education

Saving public education by helping parents craft the solutions they need.

public education: be RELEVANT or be abandoned

I truly believe this is a moment in history for public education like no other -- except maybe the initial creation of the system in the 1830's.


We are at a turning point -- a crisis point. Unless schools embrace & understand that they are part of the education experience -- not the only educational pathway -- they will become irrelevant to many families. Families (& teachers) with resources will abandon the system altogether & find other solutions -- in fact, they already are.


I help families create the educational experiences they want and need by working within the public education system as much as possible -- by doing their best to avoid totally abandoning it. However, the family & child's best interests come first and if solutions cannot be found within the system, I will support families to look for other solutions -- of which there are many, with more blossoming every day.


I believe in public education. I believe education is a right. I believe that an educated public leads to better lives for us all -- decreased crime, decreased poverty, more opportunities for individuals. I also believe that families need choices & that by listening to families & meeting their needs, we will save the public education system.


The COVID crisis highlighted the deficiencies & challenges in our current employment & school systems, while also demonstrating that significant change is possible. There are many stories of families who liked the changes & new choices they had. Many decided to make significant life changes to better align with their lifestyle values & priorities.


A Snapshot of Where We Are


  • In our public education system, most kids are not getting the education they deserve. Literacy rates are alarming for white kids (45%) and outraging for black kids (15%).  This is just one data point. There are other academic shortcomings, safety issues & mental health alarm bells, as well. When families ask for or seek solutions, they are often met with barriers or excuses about why the school cannot provide what they need. Parents want solutions, not excuses. A literate, educated & mentally healthy society is in ALL our best interests.


  • The current school system is, for the most part, a one-size-fits-all model. Most schools start and end around the same time, deliver learning experiences in fairly standard ways (both content & time blocks), and expect families to fit within the school's structure & confines. It does not have to be this way. The good news is there are steps that leaders can take, now, to help them maintain relevance & better serve their communities. I have lived experience that this is possible. COVID demonstrated that changes can be made.


  • Families are demanding more choices in & control over their work life & in their kids' school lives. They want to create lives that are more satisfying, successful & less stressful. They have experienced positive effects from working from home, spending more time with their children, & having more control over how their life is scheduled.  Families want pathways to less stress & anxiety, better-matched learning experiences for students, and stronger bonds of belonging for all. Personalized & specialized education choices are accessible to many families.


  • Teachers are leaving the system, but not all are leaving the profession. Many teachers want to teach but have made the decision to leave public education. They are leaving for a variety of reasons. Rather than leave the profession, some are moving to private schools, shifting to offering courses through online platforms (such as Outschool), providing private tutoring or opening their own schools


Where We Can Go

  • ​Flexibility. Needs change. Families & kids should not be locked into solutions that no longer work for them.

  • Personalization. Assets & needs vary. Solutions should match families & kids.

  • Collaboration. When we work together toward a common goal with trust & commitment, we can find better solutions for all.

  • Integrated & Synergistic Experiences.  A combination of solutions from multiple sources that complement & leverage each other.



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