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The Many Ways that Traditional Schools Limit Families' Life Choices

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

We are so used to shoehorning our lives to fit school & work, that most people don't even realize it or think about it. It has been the "water we swim in" for so long that most people would probably ask, "What water?" At this moment in history, with changes occurring in the workplace that are increasing flexibility in families' lifestyles, it's worth elevating & considering how traditional school limits families' life choices.

Where You Live

What is one of the first questions that a family asks a realtor when selecting a neighborhood to buy house? How are the schools? They quickly get to their short list of more expensive neighborhoods. Perhaps these neighborhoods don't align with other family values & priorities, like shorter commutes, distance from amenities, etc. Quality of schools often trumps other priorities.

What if families didn't have to ask this question? What if they could pick a neighborhood and house based on other prioritized values, amenities, characteristics? Since our family homeschooled, we were able to purchase a larger and less expensive house with a large yard because "quality of neighborhood schools" was not the primary factor in our decision-making process.

When You Can be with Your Children & What You are Doing When You are with Them

When are/were your children best behaved & most fun to be around? Your answer probably depends on the age of your children! I know that when my kids were young, the morning was their "best" time. For teens, maybe it's the evening. Either way, if your kids are in school, you are either not with them during their "best" time or you are being the school's "enforcer" overseeing homework when you could be bonding with them over a game or a movie.

What do mornings look like for families with kids in school? Lots of rushing & "hurry up or we'll be late!" ringing through the air? Is there flexibility when your child has a bad night's sleep? Are they able to sleep in? For parents who work late at night, are they waking early only because they must get their kids to school? Does this disrupt their sleep schedule?

My husband has often noted that it is the messy quantity time that is so important in our family. I agree. We have had many great conversations with our kids during unplanned messy quantity time -- just because we are together so much just "being." That time together built the solid foundation of our relationship that gets us through more challenging times.

When You Go on Vacation, What it is Like & How Much You Spend

Families with children in traditional schools can only go on vacation (whether that means a long-weekend camping trip or a major overseas adventure) when school is out -- unless they take their kids out of school through a special arrangement. I checked our local school district and the list of reasons for "excused" absences is fairly specific and doesn't say anything about parental discretion or family vacations.

Going on vacation only when school is out (holidays & summer) means it is more expensive, more crowded and it might not be the ideal time to visit the location. If a family does decide to take their kids out of school to travel, the kids will probably be doing homework during the vacation to "keep up."

When You Can Do Fun Things as a Family (that aren't a vacation)

Have you been to the museum or zoo on a weekday? It's heavenly! (Especially if you wait until the school groups are gone.)

When You Can Set up Doctor or Other Appointments for Your Children

No explanation needed.


The Espitia Family

"Over the past year, she was able to shift her kids’ learning schedule outside of the weekday lockstep; because her husband works on weekends, she treats Mondays like a weekend, where kids have less “school” and everyone can spend more time together as a family."

Read more about the Espitia family's and others' experiences here.

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